Monday, March 9, 2009

3 -11 Hearing on Bike, Ped and Transit

The Transportation Committee will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 11th at 10:00 AM, in Room 1E of the Legislative Office Building, Capitol Avenue, Hartford. Bike, ped and transit bills are on the docket.

RB 1093 - AA Providing for Funds for Municipal Matching Grants for Demand Responsive Transportation for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities - This bill provides funding for the municipal matching grant Dial-A-Ride Program.

SB 735 AA Improving Bicycle and Pedestrian Access - This bill enhances non-motorized transportation alternatives that promote healthy lifestyles, encourage smart growth and reduce congestion. This bill will aid access to transit for walkers and bicyclists.

HB 5640 - AAC The Improvement of Public Access to Transit Stops - This bill would provide funding for pedestrian access to transit stops.

In addition, HB 5895 provides funding to establish a bus route between the north and suthwest areas of Hartford.

Please plan to attend Wednesday's public hearing and let committee members know where you stand on the bills. The committee requests 65 copies of written testimony be submitted to one hour before the hearing in Room 1E. Sign up for speaking begins at 8:30 a.m. also in Room 1E. Speaking order will be determined by lottery.

If you're unable to attend, take time to give a call or shoot an email to Committee members with your comments.

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