Thursday, August 6, 2009

Liveable Communities Act -- What People Are Saying

Here’s What People Are Saying About Dodd’s Livable Communities Act:

Senator Dodd’s proposed Livable Communities Act represents a major step forward for the federal government and its contribution to the economic health of vibrant communities and urban centers. The bill recognizes the relationship between housing, transportation and environmental performance - a relationship that is essential to the nation’s long-term economic prosperity.
--JOHN DESTEFANO, JR., Mayor, City of New Haven, Connecticut

Senator Dodd's Livable Communities Act is manna from heaven. It finally marries smart housing, transit and environmental policy in an enlightened way by allowing localities and regions to plan affordable homes for workers near transit. Local control is vital and homes near transit will increase affordability and reduce congestion and pollution. When the story of smart 21st Century community development is written, Senator Dodd and this bill will be the stars of the drama.
-- DAVID FINK, Policy Director, Partnership for Strong Communities

The Partnership for Strong Communities raises public awareness and advances solutions to end chronic homelessness, creates affordable housing and builds healthy, economically vital communities in Connecticut.

I am delighted that Senator Dodd’s initiative builds on the work of the Capitol Region Council of Governments. By forming a nexus between efficient transit systems and responsible zoning, the Livable Communities Act effectively promotes citizens’ quality of life while combating harmful carbon emissions. The bill Senator Dodd has introduced is exactly what we need to build better communities.
--LYLE WRAY, Executive Director, Capitol Region Council of Governments

CRCOG assists citizens and local officials of the 29 communities of Connecticut’s capital region in articulating, advocating and implementing the vision, needs and values of their regional community.

Demographic and market research shows that Americans are increasingly clamoring for more walkable, bikeable and sustainable communities that offer them cleaner and healthier options to get around. Senator Dodd’s bill is a forward-looking approach that will give metropolitan regions the tools they need to meet this growing demand and prepare our cities, towns and communities for the 21st century. The bill follows a proven model to create jobs and build more energy-independent, economically competitive, attractive and healthy places to live while saving money over the long term.
--GEOFF ANDERSON, President, Smart Growth America

Smart Growth America is a coalition focused on preservation, the environment and neighborhood revitalization to improve the ways we plan and build the towns, cities and metro areas we call home.

Today's announcement is a welcome one in the planning community and a sign that better living through smart community planning and development around cleaner transportation options is, and should be, achievable around the country. We congratulate Senator Dodd in this bold step and look forward to working with him to advance the goals of this important piece of legislation.
-- ROBERT YARO, President, Regional Plan Association

Regional Plan Association is dedicated to improving the quality of life and the economic competitiveness of the 31-county New York-New Jersey-Connecticut region through research, planning, and advocacy.

“NLC applauds Senator Dodd’s leadership in integrating land-use, housing and transportation planning among all levels of government. The Livable Communities Act would strengthen the intergovernmental partnership between federal, regional, and local leaders, helping all levels of government serve our nation’s neighborhoods and families more effectively.”
– DONALD J. BORUT, Executive Director, National League of Cities

“The nation’s counties strongly support Senator Dodd’s Living Communities bill. We commend the Senator for his leadership on this critical initiative which will result in a more efficient and sustainable use of federal and local housing, transportation, and environmental resources.”
-- LARRY E. NAAKE, Executive Director, National Association of Counties


  1. "It finally marries smart housing, transit and environmental policy in an enlightened way by allowing localities and regions to plan affordable homes for workers near transit. Local control is vital and homes near transit will increase affordability and reduce congestion and pollution."

    I don't get it...local control is the problem, not the solution. So many suburban areas have nothing but parking lots around their commuter train stations exactly because local residents are afraid of "riffraff" living in cheap apartments by the station. Zoning laws are already created and enforced at the local level, and generally their main purpose is to prop up home values by mandating low-height, large-lot construction.

  2. Read the Constitution - the federal government has NO authority for this bill or 2/3rds of what's already on the books.
