Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Smart Growth Press Event -- Jan 26th, 10AM, LOB

The Smart Growth Working Group will publically unveil its 2009 legislative package at a press event at the Legislative Office Building, Capitol Avenue, Hartford. The event will be hosted by Representative Brendan Sharkey, chair of the working group. 
The legislative agenda includes 15 items:

1.       An Act Concerning Smart Growth

Statement of Purpose – Amend the Connecticut General Statutes to include a definition of Smart Growth that can be referenced throughout the remainder of the statutes.

See proposed definition at Appendix A

2.       An Act Concerning Smart Growth and the State’s Plan of Conservation and Development

Statement of Purpose – Amend Chapter 297 of the Connecticut General Statutes to incorporate Smart Growth principles into the Connecticut Plan of Conservation and Development, with a specific statement that the State of Connecticut endorses Smart Growth planning.

3.       An Act Concerning Smart Growth and Municipal Plans of Conservation and Development

Statement of Purpose – Amend C.G.S. §§ 8-23 and 8-35a to require that municipal and regional plans of conservation and development must be consistent with the State Plan of Conservation and Development with regard to the adoption of Smart Growth principles

 4.       An Act Concerning Smart Growth and State Planning

Statement of Purpose – To utilize previously appropriated funds to establish an ongoing tax incidence study through UConn’s Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis, and to establish an ongoing statewide build-out analysis and GIS mapping through UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR).

 5.       An Act Concerning Training for Local Land Use Commissioners

Statement of Purpose – To task UConn’s Center for Land Use Education and Research (CLEAR) with the function of establishing a basic curriculum and coordinating various organizations, including the Connecticut Bar Association, and state agencies, including DEP and UConn Law School, to offer training to local land use commissioners

6.       An Act Concerning Land Use Appeals

Statement of Purpose – To require the Connecticut Judicial Department to establish administrative appeals dockets in each of its judicial districts, and to identify judges in each judicial district with experience in land use and administrative law to hear all administrative appeals.

 7.       An Act Concerning Projects of Regional Significance

Statement of Purpose – To establish regional Councils of Governments as a convening authority of state, regional and local officials for voluntary pre-application reviews of projects of regional significance as defined by PA 07-239.  

 8.       An Act Concerning Coordinated Preservation and Redevelopment

Statement of Purpose – To ensure a coordinated investment approach throughout state government by establishing the Face of Connecticut Steering Committee, as defined by PA 08-174,  as the central clearinghouse for all state grant and bonding decisions regarding brownfield redevelopment, open space, farmland and historic preservation.


 9.       An Act Concerning Brownfield Redevelopment

Statement of Purpose – To require the State Department of Economic and Community Development to update its statewide database of existing brownfield properties, and to dedicate existing funds toward environmental assessments of each property with liens to ensure repayment of state funds upon redevelopment by a subsequent purchaser.

10.   An Act Concerning Smart Growth Zoning Regulations

Statement of Purpose – To require the Office of Policy and Management to develop model zoning regulations for Connecticut municipalities that encourage Smart Growth principles as defined by statute, including higher density housing options.

 11.   An Act Concerning Smart Growth and Transportation Planning

Statement of Purpose – To empower the Transportation Strategy Board to establish and adopt of capital plan for transportation investment, and require that such a plan incorporate Smart Growth principles as defined by statute.

 12.   An Act Concerning Smart Growth and Alternative Transportation Investment

Statement of Purpose – For the next ten years, to directly tie that portion of the Gross Receipts Tax dedicated to the Special Transportation Fund to mass transit projects, including high speed commuter rail, light rail, busways and bikeways.

 13 An Act Concerning Smart Growth and Preservation Tax Policy

Statement of Purpose – To expand the existing “PA 490” program to include the preservation of historic properties and natural resources of regional importance, such as aquifers and tidal marshes.

14 An Act Concerning Regional Planning Organizations

Statement of Purpose – To amend C.G.S. § 8-31a to require that all regional planning agencies in the state must include a representative from its constituent towns who is the chief elected officer of the town.

An Act Concerning Regionalism

Statment of Purpose – To establish regional cooperation among Connecticut towns through a voluntary incentive-based program.   

Step One – 

·         Towns would sign on to participate in regional coordination efforts

·         The specific regionalization efforts would be in two categories

o   Mandatory items

§  Establishment as an “economic district” under the federal EDS standards

§  Adoption of a regional property tax revenue sharing plan

§  An agreement among member towns for regional collective bargaining (town & BOE)

§  An agreement among member towns to participate in state health care pooling

o   A menu of discretionary items, in addition to the required items, reflecting regional cost sharing

·         As an incentive for towns that sign on, the state would grant relief from certain state mandates TBD

Step Two – 

·         Towns, through their regions, would implement their regionalization plans

·         As an incentive for towns to implement their regionalization plans, the state would re-direct a portion of the state sales tax generated within the region back to member towns


Appendix A

 Definition of Smart Growth – Smart Growth is economic, social, and environmental development that uses land and resources in ways that enhance the long-term quality of life for Connecticut’s current and future generations. Smart Growth demands a collaborative approach to planning, decision-making and evaluation between and among all levels of government to promote Connecticut’s economic competitiveness while preserving her natural resources, both of which our state’s quality of life depends. 

To accomplish its goals, Smart Growth promotes

1.       integrated planning that coordinates tax, transportation, housing, environmental and economic development policies at the state and local level.

2.       the reduction in Connecticut’s reliance on the property tax by creating efficiencies and coordination of services on the regional level while reducing interlocal competition for grand list growth.

3.       the redevelopment of existing infrastructure and resources, including brownfields and historic places, instead of new construction in undeveloped places. 

4.       transportation choice that provides alternatives to automobiles, including rail, bikeways, walking, while reducing energy consumption.

5.       affordable and available housing for mixed income households in close proximity to transportation and employment center .

6.       concentrated, mixed-use development around transportation nodes and civic and cultural centers.

7.       the conservation and protection of natural resources by preserving open space, farmland and historic properties and furthering energy efficiency.

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